Max & Mason - Young Autistic Brothers, Living in Seattle

A record for over 10 years starting 2005

2. Therapy Starts - "Good job, Max!"


February 2005


My daughter and her husband have taken an action quickly.



They went to the local Family Center right after the autism diagnosis.

Family Center is a support center for the children of age 0 to 3 who have developmental disorder.


They evaluate Max's level of autism and the parents will ask for the programs appropriate for Max.



Max can receive speech therapy 3 times a week and attend a play group twice a week. He learns, at the play group, rules in the society as he plays with physical exercise.


It seems autistic children do not understand well what is "playing" and often you find them lying down on the floor or couch doing nothing.


My daughter tries to play with Max but he does not respond.


She throws a ball to him but he does not throw it back.




Sometimes he plays alone - he plays with building blocks putting them all in straight line and just looking at them. Whatever they may be, he arranges them straight.

If you destroy the line he makes, he starts all over again, re-arranging it straight.


We had a toy with 5 dice on it at home. When you move a die, it makes a sound. 5 dice always showed ●(1) on top.

Since toddler, Max has been playing with this toy. It looks like Max has been arranging the position of all five dice to show 1 on top.



This means, without parents knowing it, autistic "care" appeared before Max turned to 2 years old.

My daughter seemed to have supposed that her husband has done it. ( he so meticulous?!)

無償で提供されるスピーチセラピーだけではとても足りないので、ABAセラピー(Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy)応要行動分析療法と呼ばれているセラピーを始める。

Speech therapies given free of charge are far from enough、so they started another therapy, ABA therapy. (Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy)


ABA therapy has been widely known in the US.  You can say this is the only education (療育法)considered that it can alleviate autistic behavior and help to develop the growth.




Our therapist, Heather, came to our house. She has tattoo on her lower back and every time she stooped, it showed a bit and she has a pierce on her navel. She is very nice and kind.  Besides, Heather's 6 year-old son is autistic and so she knows well how to deal with autistic children.


She calmly soothes down Max who hates to enter the room and cries, and works with Max patiently, strictly and gently.


She first starts the training to look at her eyes.


I hear it is scary for autistic children to look at someone's eyes.


Looks like they feel a similar kind of fear that ordinary people feel to look at a ghost.

マックスの好きな小さなおもちゃをヘダさんの目の近くに持っていきヘザーさんの目をみたら「グッド ルッキング!」と褒めマックスに渡す。

She brings Max' favorite toy next to her eyes and when he looks at her eyes, she says "That's good looking!" and gives the toy to Max.

時には褒美に好きなグミをまたヘダさんの目の近くに持っていき、ヘダさんの目を見たら「グッド ルッキング!」と褒めマックスに渡す。

Sometimes, it is a gummi , Max' favorite, and if he looks at Heather's eyes, she says "good looking!" and gives it to him.


She teaches the "eye contact" patiently, repetitively.


Another training is "pointing"


Autistic children cannot point at things, "this" and "that".

定型発達(ふつうの子供をこのように呼ぶ)の子供であれば、「これ な~に?」とか「あれがほしい」とか、ほしいものを自然と指でさすと思うが、自閉症児は、そのポインティングをしない。

Neurotypical children would point and say "What's this?" or "I want that", pointing at the objects but autistic children do not point.


You must teach the pointing repeatedly.


それから ヘザーさんの動きの真似をさせる。

And then, Heather makes Max mimic her action.

“クラップ ハンド手をたたいて ”スタンドアップ“ “タップ ヘッド”などこれらを「Do this」といって真似をさせる。

「Do this」「Good job Max!!」

She claps hands, stands up, taps her head, saying "do this".

"Do this", "Good job, Max!!"

セラピールームからは ヘザーさんの声だけが聞こえてくる。


Only Heather's voice sounds in the therapy room.

She teaches Max with action, the meaning of words.  Max does not understand what "words" are.



She puts palms together and opens them and says "open".




She teaches Max "more" who wants more, putting her palms together.

Holding her palm on her chest and moves around to teach "please".

And repeats those.



「オーピン」「ピリーズ」・・・「モア ピリーズ」・・

In 2-3 months, we hear Max' weak voice saying something like "opin" "pilease". . ."more pilease".


Mommy joins this training in daily life.



「Do this!」「What’s this?」

You teach words using drawings and photos. You show Max, who does not understand what "words" are, drawings, photos and matching cards.

It requires patience and perseverance.

You hear Heather's voice for 2 hours everyday. "Do this!" "What's this?"





Children with neurotypical development learn words through communication with mothers and will gradually be able to talk, however autistic children lack the communication abilities and will not learn words, thus even if mothers try to talk to babies, they cannot respond by speech.

Max, though he was non verbal, was healthy, laughed a lot, and he looked normal and so we did not imagine that he could not understand words.





"Max, Maaax", we called him loud but he did not look back and went to the place he wanted.  He does not stop unless we force him to stop.




I do not know why but autistic children seem to be attracted by rotating things such as toy gear, bike wheels, windmills. If it glitters and rotates, they cannot resist them.

Even now, both Max and Mason dash to it, tearing off their mother's hand.



They love flowers, skies and clouds, and if they like something, they just stand still and look at it as long as 30 minutes.

It is such a hard job to stop them what they are doing and to move to something else. They lie on the floor, howl and never stand up.

"Why is Max this way and so difficult..."  Mommy has been wondering and distressed.


And she understood.



"Now I know, Max is autistic."