Max & Mason - Young Autistic Brothers, Living in Seattle

A record for over 10 years starting 2005

3. Preparing Training Material is Mommy's Job


Spring 2005


For the daily two-hour therapy, you must prepare materials such as toys, seals, games that Max may like.

Almost everyday, for 2 hours, from Monday thru Saturday, Max and the therapist work all alone in the Therapy Room.

You must work on the idea that Max, who hates to enter the room and cries, would be willing to enter.  Cards are laminated for easy use to help him to learn.

It is difficult for Max to hold a pencil. His fingers are not strong enough.

Putting a string through a hole, buttoning, fastening a zipper, hooking up a shirt -  parents must prepare materials for all of them.


The program manager of the consulting company for ABA prepares the program applicable for Max, and Max's family is responsible for materials required.  The therapist exercises the program.

Results of the therapy is recorded in detail everyday and the team meeting is held once a month for the program for the next month.


It is quite a burden for parents but that should not be their concern.  Hoping for the day when  Max starts to speak, they do their best.


Several months later, Max learned eye contact well, and pointing was getting there.  

日常の生活のなかで「サンキューは?」「オープン プリーズは?」と促すと「オーピン」「ピリーズ」と答えることが出来るようになる。これだけでも大変な進歩であるが、しかし一向に自らの発話はない。

If you ask "say thank you" "say open, please", Max was learning to say "opin" "pilease".

That is a huge development.  Still there was no active speech of his own, 


At the therapy, Max learned to respond to a lot of cards, however, in everyday life, he still cannot say "mommy" and "daddy".   He can pronouce mommy and daddy looking at the cards but he cannot call his parents "mommy" nor "daddy".